焦点提醒: 蓝铁矿构成要素探讨:触及细菌对乙酸的亲和性 郝晓地, 孙群, 在文波, 袁土贵(北京建筑年夜学城市雨水系统与水情况教育部重点尝试室 中-荷污水处置手艺研发中间,北京 100044) - 首 页
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- English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]郝晓地,孙群,在文波,等.蓝铁矿构成要素探讨:触及细菌对乙酸的亲和性[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(17):1-6. HAOXiao-di,SUNQun,YUWen-bo,et al.Unraveling Key Factors of Vivianite Formation: Affinity of Involved Bacteria on Acetic Acid[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(17):1-6.点击复制
蓝铁矿构成要素探讨:触及细菌对乙酸的亲和性中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]卷:第38卷期数:2022年第17期页码:1-6栏目:出书日期:2022-09-01- Title:
- Unraveling Key Factors of Vivianite Formation: Affinity of Involved Bacteria on Acetic Acid
- 作者:
- 郝晓地, 孙群, 在文波, 袁土贵
- (北京建筑年夜学城市雨水系统与水情况教育部重点尝试室 中-荷污水处置手艺研发中间,北京 100044)
- Author(s):
- HAO Xiao-di, SUN Qun, YU Wen-bo, YUAN Tu-gui
- (Sino-Dutch R&D Centre for Future Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Key Laboratory of Urban Stormwater System and Water Environment, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China)
- 要害词:
- 蓝铁矿;三价/二价铁;同化金属还原细菌;产甲烷菌;乙酸;亲和系数
- Keywords:
- vivianite;ferric/ferrous iron;dissimilated metal reducing bacteria (DMRB);methane-producing bacteria (MPB);acetic acid;affinity coefficient
- 摘要:
- 蓝铁矿是继鸟粪石后又一种被存眷的高含磷量磷酸盐化合物。分歧的是,蓝铁矿只能在污泥厌氧消化进程中构成,且需要污泥中含有充足的三价铁(Fe3+)。相关蓝铁矿的研究今朝又到了趋附者众的水平,可是蓝铁矿构成的要害限制身分仍未完全了了。为此,经由过程序批式厌氧消化反映探讨了厌氧消化系统中铁还原细菌(DMRB)与产甲烷菌(MPB)对配合基质——乙酸的合作关系,以肯定蓝铁矿的构成是不是会因MPB耗损乙酸而被影响(共性问题)。成果发觉,两种微生物对挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)确切具有底物合作关系,因DMRB对乙酸的亲和系数比MPB低约1个数目级,使其在合作中立在不败之地。是以,MPB并存其实不会较着影响Fe3+还原速度和蓝铁矿构成。但是,蓝铁矿年夜量构成会削减甲烷(CH4)产量,均衡两者关系应为后续研究重点。
- Abstract:
- Vivianite is a concerned phosphate compound with a high P-content, following struvite. Differently, vivianite can only be formed during anaerobic digestion of excess sludge, in which enough ferric iron (Fe3+)in sludge is required. Present researches on vivianite are being pursued, but key factors controlling vivianite formation are still not fully understood. Thus, the competition between dissimilated metal reducing bacteria (DMRB) and methane-producing bacteria (MPB) for acetate was mainly investigated to unravel whether vivianite formation was controlled by consuming acetic acid by MPB (a generic question). Experimental results indicated that there was indeed the competition between DMRB and MPB for acetic acid. But the affinity coefficient of DMRB on acetic acid was about one order of magnitude lower than that of MPB, which made DMRB become an unrivaled competitor. As a result, coexistence of MPB did not significantly affect the reduction rate of Fe3+for vivianite formation. However, a large amount of vivianite formation could reduce methane (CH4)production, and thus the balance between the two bacteria should be a focus in subsequent researches.
更新日期/Last Update:2022-09-01